In addition, there would be 140-townhouses for senior citizens and 48 assisted-living units.
The assisted-living units at the building will range in size from 294 to 1,251 square feet.
There will also be 136 assisted-living units for residents who need help with daily living.
For the 550-square-foot assisted-living units the fee wi1l be $2,200.
Construction of the assisted-living units will not begin until late 2001, he said.
Land prices in the county are steep, and many communities have no zoning for assisted-living units.
The complex will have 105 assisted-living units, including 50 for people with Alzheimer's disease, in a restored 1885 monastery.
The 84 assisted-living units, with 450 to 840 square feet, will be in the old school and the two upper floor of the new building.
Preliminary plans call for about 400 apartments, some of which would be assisted-living units.
The first phase has 83 assisted-living units, 180 nursing beds and a 22,000-square-foot medical center.