The Chargers quickly transitioned from a special operations role to that of humanitarian assistance providers.
Listed below are all currently funded technical assistance providers.
To meet this requirement, ANA contracts training and technical assistance providers for four geographic regions: East, West, Alaska, and Pacific.
This short guidebook is intended for owners, managers and operators of public water systems, local officials, technical assistance providers and state personnel.
Resuming United Nations activities would serve the people of Iraq, and help relieve United States forces of their role as primary assistance providers.
Innovation Center A national training and technical assistance provider for CYD.
The nationwide count most often cited comes from the Urban Institute, a research group in Washington that surveyed homeless assistance providers in 1996.
Overview of the purpose and importance of capacity development initiatives, and related resources for states and technical assistance providers.
An HMIS is typically a web-based software application that homeless assistance providers use to coordinate care, manage their operations, and better serve their clients.
An HMIS knits together homeless assistance providers within a community and creates a more coordinated and effective housing and service delivery system.