Most assistance organizations and support groups are intended for disabled children themselves or for their parents.
Recently she had lunch with some of the referring legal assistance organizations to try to improve their recruitment and matching efforts even more.
Her mother is the chairwoman of Safe Horizon, a victim's assistance organization in New York.
Federal agencies estimate that at least $100 million in surplus federal property has been made available to homeless assistance organizations to date.
CommonAction An international CYD resource, training, and technical assistance organization.
The Pratt Center is the oldest university-based advocacy planning and technical assistance organization in the United States.
Potters for Peace is clear to assert itself as an assistance organization, rather than an aid-based organization.
Proceeds benefit several assistance organizations.
Estimates rely heavily on the number of people who have registered as IDPs with the government or with assistance organizations.
The nonprofit assistance organization The Hero Initiative is raising money to assist in Slifer's legal case and medical care.