This includes salary, public assistance benefits, social security payments, pensions, unemployment compensation and the like.
Puerto Rico allows 25% of the assistance benefit to be used as cash for the purchase of food.
Section 3322: Bar to duplication of educational assistance benefits.
The total public assistance benefit she got for the children - $286 a month - barely covered Ronald's day care fees.
The constitutional challenge cannot be answered by an argument that public assistance benefits are "a 'privilege,' and not a 'right.'"
"But when people speak about public assistance benefits being higher in New York, they forget that the cost of living here is also higher."
He noted that a homeless person living in a shelter is eligible for $45 a month in public assistance benefits.
During the 1930s the imposition of the household means test on those drawing public assistance benefits led to greater reluctance to take in elderly relatives.
He was arrested for making a fraudulent claim for social assistance benefits.
After completing training, graduates continue to receive public assistance benefits for a year while they get their businesses on a firm footing.