The government is also planning to establish an environment fund, out of which payments will be made to assist industry to cut emissions of pollutants.
There are also offices designed to assist both industry and the public in the areas of pollution prevention, community relations, and environmental justice.
During the Second World War Edwards kept up pressure on the Government to assist industry.
An industrial forensics laboratory assists industry in interpreting and applying government guidelines and regulations throughout the manufacturing process.
Taken together, they represent New Jersey's attempt to match, though on a much more modest scale, efforts by governments like Japan's to assist private industry.
I've seen a great deal in the papers about the banks assisting industry.
The legislation states that the federal government has a responsibility to assist industry, especially small business, as it voluntarily converts to the metric system of measurement.
Since then, it has assisted industry in developing nuclear power for commercial use and allowed universities to conduct research into atomic energy.
The legislation states that the federal government has a responsibility to assist industry as it voluntarily converts to the metric system, i.e. metrication.
We request Congress to enact legislation to assist American industry to rid itself of subversive, disloyal elements.