It assists girls and women to pursue educations, provides a safe environment outside the home, and encourages involvement in programs that discuss health, education, civil rights, and gender issues.
These principles are used throughout the camp and used to assist boys and girls in finding their own identity.
He further created a charity which he founded and called it Puellae Faustinianae or Girls of Faustina, which assisted orphaned girls.
Founded a charity called Puellae Faustinianae or Girls of Faustina, which assisted orphaned girls.
If there are problems in class or on the playground, does the teacher assist girls more often than boys?
Busama Entertainment has been successfully "assisting girls with their bookings" to Australia for years now.
ActionAid assists poor women and girls so that they can exercise their rights - socially, politically and economically.
Ann Romney has been involved in a number of children's charities, including having been a director of the inner city-oriented Best Friends, which seeks to assist inner-city adolescent girls.
The mandate of the Charity is to assist teenage girls who have fled their families or clans to avoid forced polygamous marriages.
The school's Educational Services Program (ESP) assists girls with learning disabilities.