Democrats in the entertainment business have assisted favored candidates with both contributions and personal appearances.
Each winner worked at the local-, state- or national-party levels, including assisting candidates for elected public office.
Unions are major contributors to political campaigns and often assist candidates, providing everything from volunteers to telephone operations.
"This completely restricts my ability to assist candidates in Alabama and indeed, all over the country," he said.
As a result, the Democrats' political action committee raised $15,000, less expenses, for a fund designed to assist Congressional candidates in North Carolina.
The laws can be selectively applied to assist friendly candidates, by hindering their competition.
In addition, Young Republican Clubs assist Republican political candidates and causes.
He has also assisted numerous Republican candidates and conservative organizations comply with campaign finance disclosure and tax compliance regulations.
The state Republican chairman, William Powers, has already said he will not assist other candidates.
Murphy was in demand for a time to assist other Republican candidates seeking office.