The comet had been photographed during 1967, but was identified as an asteroid and assigned the designation 1967 EU.
The winner of the draw would get the second pick, and the loser of the draw would be assigned the remaining designation.
It was assigned the temporary designation of Route 195, as the planned I-84 would continue east from Olneyville to the west end of Interstate 195.
The connector, along with this portion of former US 35, was assigned the SR 435 designation.
On the other hand, she is very particular about assigning the designation "contralto."
This world is assigned the designation of Earth-22.
As the second monoplane built, Vickers assigned Mawson's plane the designation "No. 2".
Officially the peak is assigned the designation Peak 08-56.
The last team would be assigned the remaining designation.
The corridor was assigned the Interstate 10 designation in mid-1957.