Parks Canada assigned staff and set up a program for heritage lighthouses following the passage of the act.
To assign staff more efficiently, Roosevelt now maintains an inventory showing who lives where, in concentric circles radiating from the hospital.
The budget-repair bill, per Walker, would reform the union-controlled hiring and firing process by allowing school districts to assign staff based on merit and performance.
Apparently this has necessitated the clerk of that court assigning additional staff to handle the workload.
Everyone at the meeting finally agreed that privacy was probably not an issue, but the legal affairs and cultural anthropology people agreed to assign staff to research the issue anyway.
Biomedical managers must be able to correctly assign staff for the right job.
We have assigned considerable staff to cooperate in his care - dietitians, physiotherapists, all sorts.
Ms. Slaatten said she intended to assign staff in her office to develop a working knowledge of all the county's departments.
The colleges are deliberately assigned undergraduates, postgraduate students and staff from a wide mixture of disciplines.
We have assigned staff to oversee our plain writing efforts.