The meaning assigned to these symbols is also similar.
It was difficult to assign political meaning to a mathematical statement.
It would be vital in learning to assign relative meaning to the intuition.
Except for the power switch, games could (and did) assign other meanings to the switches.
The practice of assigning meanings to flowers is known as floriography.
Then, positive rational numbers are not uncommon but should not be assigned physical meaning.
These are the planets discovered in modern times, which have since been assigned meanings by Western astrologers.
He is also said to have been one of the first to assign astrological meaning to gemstones.
However, hamartia cannot be sharply defined or have an exact meaning assigned to it.
The cases assign different meanings to the noun phrases of a sentence.
Which of the fifty-seven pulses that she hadn't been able to make heads or tails of Theera had managed to assign meaning to?
This task shows that children aged 15 to 20 months can assign meaning to a new word after only a single exposure.
Voice-overs assign meaning to the action, as title cards do in silent films.
Elaborative, as opposed to descriptive, titles are particularly important in helping viewers assign meaning to abstract art.
Zdena: She assigns meaning to the smallest of actions, such as sleeping on her daughter's bed.
None of the statements given by her assign meaning to the scenes.
Wright's life was a quest to understand - to assign meaning to - these formative deprivations.
I began to assign meaning to the flattening of lines during my fifth week.
But the work remains heatedly contested by researchers who say too little is understood about how the brain works to assign meaning to slight atomical variations.
In another millisecond, it assigned meaning to that change: an emotion its creators had called sadness, perhaps despair.