A decision was handed down in 2006, assigning liability for the bombings to the Port Authority.
She said the agency was working with airlines to come up with an equitable way to assign liability for pilferage or damage.
Much is done by courts, where judges and juries assign liability and assess damages in injury suits.
In her first term she introduced a bill to lend $20 million per year to small businesses (HR5322) and an amendment to assign liability to credit reporting agencies.
The system also assigns liability for damage to the environment and holds the government responsible for the reparation of any damage.
This is the idea that if making deals in the marketplace costs nothing, it won't matter how the law assigns liability.
Free software often has no warranty, and more importantly, generally does not assign legal liability to anyone.
It raises a definitional question of sexual harassment rather than the question of where to assign liability.
The ruling did not assign or relieve civil or criminal liability, said Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the medical examiner's office.
Secondly, with respect to assigning liability, it is deplorable that, a year on, investigations should be so faint-hearted.