Under her leadership in 2012, total assets increased $112 million to $5.88 billion.
In the last decade, the bank's assets increased more than $52 million, a growth rate of 52 percent.
By 1996, the fund's assets had increased to $7.2 billion in value.
Assets of the 206 general purpose funds increased $159.8 million, to $79.36 billion.
Assets of the 113 institutional funds increased $423.7 million, to $82.17 billion.
Assets of the 113 institutional funds increased $616.8 million, to $79.76 billion.
Assets of the 116 institutional funds increased $382.5 million, to $73.95 billion.
Assets of the 125 institutional funds increased $575.3 million, to $69.22 billion.
Assets of the 113 institutional funds increased $426.5 million, to $80.68 billion.
Assets of the 95 institutional funds increased $337 million, to $63.78 billion.