A critical assessment of the information processing capabilities of neuronal microtubules using coherent excitations.
The commission makes assessments using sophisticated mathematical modeling systems.
The bit rate reductions were determined based on subjective assessment using mean opinion score values.
An historical assessment using a contemporary change management model M.Phil thesis, University of Birmingham.
Continuous assessment, using a wide range of criteria, ensures a careful monitoring of progress and development.
There must also be detailed assessments of the reliability of equipment and the risks of particular accident sequences using 'event tree' analysis.
This gives guidance to auditors on the conduct of assessments using the TickIT procedures.
Provided below is the graphical solution for the assessment using the HCR technique:
Non-invasive assessment of intracranial pressure using ocular sonography in neurocritical care patients.
But their suit says discrimination is the result of assessments using 1938 construction costs and 1965 land prices that do not reflect current market values.