That is too high a price to pay in the service of questionable assessment practices and misguided educational policies.
The law, for the most part, permits most areas to continue to use existing assessment practices.
Thus, there does not yet exist the foundation of a professional consensus on what constitutes good assessment practice with older people.
Her recent work has focused on the validity and utility of teachers' formative assessment practices in science.
Successful technology integration for learning goes hand in hand with changes in teacher training, curricula, and assessment practices.
The report also noted the importance of developing formative assessment practices.
The micro-macro paradox has also been attributed to inadequate assessment practices.
The law being revised was passed in 1981 in response to a ruling by the state's highest court that struck down existing assessment practices.
The problems with current assessment practices have been frankly addressed by industrywide groups interested in equitable reform.
Children with epilepsy in school: Special service usage and assessment practices.