Such assessments may help to identify supports which can sustain and enhance this basic capacity of an elder.
Thorough assessment and market research at an early stage will help you to establish whether there is a market for your product or service.
This assessment will help determine if care at home is a workable option for the patient.
Mr. Henry said that a higher assessment would help in financing the project.
These outcome and assessment helps the provider choose whether to provide information to the seeker or not.
Formative assessment helps teachers to monitor their students' progress and to modify the instruction accordingly.
Formal and informal assessments help students to know how well they are doing.
The final assessment will help you decide what actions to take (see figure 7).
The assessment will also help you in discussions with banks, investors and even potential buyers of your business.
His assessment and comments helped to continue to improve the program on both the national and local council levels.