She or he is 'on automatic', but the ability to perform many such functions is critical for independent life, as functional assessment approaches would recognise.
This gives management wider discretion in its assessment approach.
Where the subject of the assessment is clearly identifiable and provisions exist to make some form of intervention against that subject the target centric assessment approach may be used.
As a result the education system was overhauled to be more suitable to girls, in essence this meant moving away from exams to a more continuous assessment approach.
In St. George's there seemed to be a fair amount of disparity between the assessment approaches of different members of the department.
HDMT provides a systematic assessment approach to simultaneously consider effects of development on six overarching domains:
So Ann Cook, co-director of Urban Academy, wondered: Since the state is so dismissive of other assessment approaches, just how good are the state's own tests?
(A) A full review, including the use of a risk-based assessment approach, of each such agency at least once during each 3-year period.
Examples of Assessments: Current assessment approaches being used by regions, states, and communities.
The simplest possible assessment approach for this is the BAT.