They do not use the same grading or marking systems as mainstream schools, but instead assess students according to their individualized plans.
Powerschool is the program used by teachers to take attendance and assess students.
This school stresses the process of authentically assessing students rather than focusing solely on test results or term papers.
Teachers may never give a formal test, but they constantly assess students by observing their actions.
The new techniques help teachers to assess students against set standards, she said.
High schools and colleges should develop more rigorous ways of assessing students.
The state has not yet determined how it will assess students, but the requirements for high school seniors will not start taking effect until 2000.
And traditional methods of assessing students are no longer fit for purpose, he believes.
The schools primarily assess students through reports on individual academic progress and personal development.
That increase, combined with cuts in the budget for teaching assistants, has forced him to change how he assesses students.