Its purpose is to help community groups meaningfully assess development projects and rezoning proposals, which have proliferated under Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.
It also assesses development projects, proposals and programs submitted to the Executive Yuan.
Paige Cassidy, a spokeswoman for the corporation, said the delay was to give the board more time to assess proposals.
The aim is to assess specific proposals for and different scenarios of European police co-operation against the standards of efficiency, accountability and the respect for individual rights.
After assessing proposals by potential commercial suppliers of target identification systems, the Army expects to pick one of them late this summer.
Assessing and testing other Government agencies' advice and proposals that have economic and financial implications.
The dispute over Medicare illustrates the confusion that can occur when different agencies insist on using different starting points, or baselines, to assess proposals.
As an editor for the journal Taxon, he is involved with assessing proposals to conserve and reject botanical names.
He would want to assess proposals that ran counter to his personal convictions and proposals from other Commissioners on the basis of his private ideas.
Monitor the use made of it and assess recording proposals in terms of the time they will take, and the usefulness of the end result.