Special events, pools, ice instruction and golf programs use exit surveys to assess public attitudes.
This we define as the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills, and critically assessing the views and attitudes which you hold.
Openness assesses intellectual curiosity, imagination, artistic interests, liberal attitudes, and originality.
In addition to attempting to assess attitudes, in this part of the questionnaire we also sought information about routine evaluation.
During the 1950s further units were set up at London and Liverpool University to assess attitudes in industry.
The Partnership has consistently done a tracking study as part of an ongoing longitudinal study to assess attitudes towards drugs and alcohol.
One manner of assessing such attitudes in the modern era has been to conduct opinion polls to measure levels of public opinion on abortion.
A subsequent survey was conducted in September, 1982 to assess attitudes within the medical profession itself.
I assessed the strength and attitudes of both sides by using the sensor arrays.
They provide computer animation representations of teachable situations that encourage critical thinking and may also provide an instrument for assessing attitudes and behaviors.