The assertion drew a rapid response from senior ministers like John Reid, the defense secretary.
Mr. Ndiaye's assertions drew a blistering written rebuke from the board, which saw them as "worrisome changes in the behavior" of an embittered president.
His assertion Friday drew mixed reviews from parents, teachers and officials who were reached by telephone and told of the remarks.
That assertion drew outrage from Democrats.
This assertion was controversial and drew "a flurry of attacks".
Such assertions draw vehement challenges from the advocates for the poor who see the Massachusetts report more as cause to worry than to rejoice.
That assertion, not surprisingly, has drawn the wrath of several prominent philosophers who question his definitions of both intelligence and consciousness.
But his assertions that he had remained a Jew despite his conversion drew outcries from some Jewish leaders.
Second, his smug assertion that, yes, he does draw "conclusions" about Africa's shortage of ancient literature.
That assertion drew heated denials from attorneys general who negotiated the tobacco accord and who are now preparing their states' cases against the industry.