Plaintiffs suing under Sections 17200 or 17500 often also assert violations of the California Consumers Legal Remedies Act (CLRA), set forth in Cal.
It also asserts violations of laws governing trademarks, unfair competition and the rights of visual artists.
Geoffrey M. Croft, the president of New York City Park Advocates, said it would file a new suit asserting violations of federal environmental laws.
She also worked on some of the first plaintiff employment discrimination cases asserting violations of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
They also assert violations of their clients' rights under the 1983 Civil Rights Act, as well as constitutional guarantees of free speech.
Indeed the authors assert such violations are "incapable [to achieve]" and "impossible":
In addition, they said he had been questioned about convoys of Jews that were not part of the charges against him and asserted other violations of judicial procedure.
On Thursday, a civil suit was filed against Fancy Cutt Farms by the California Department of Health Services, asserting similar violations of food safety laws.
Had the companies not settled, the Attorney General's office would have pursued legal action, asserting violations under both state and Federal antitrust laws, said David Corvette, a spokesman for the Attorney General.
Accusations of sexual harassment, the origins of this mess, assert violations of public-private boundaries.