Asserting his independence during the cold war, he continued to write against militarism even when forbidden by his order.
To assert itself, especially during the Great Depression, each theater developed its own magical personality.
"I have not taken a radical position at all," he asserted during a recent trip to Manhattan to promote his cause.
"The attack on affirmative action is totally phony," he asserted during a press conference.
Some women of means asserted their influence during the Middle Ages, typically in royal court or convent settings.
It is asserted during this initiative that violence has no place in society.
The status quo is really asserting itself during these hearings.
"I'm completely comfortable now that we've reached this point with the financing," Robbie asserted during the interview.
The organization management was asserted during the Congress.
When seen, they were tight bundles, but will assert themselves during the exhibition's run.