"This is the first court to recognize that if you are going to sell a sinister, assault-style weapon, you no longer can have total immunity."
The ruling comes as House Republicans and others are trying to roll back both Federal and state gun-control laws that ban sales of assault-style weapons.
"Semiautomatic assault-style weapons are designed for one purpose and one purpose only," Mr. Dukakis said.
The law is akin to the Federal law that bans fully automatic assault-style weapons.
And Republican leaders in Congress were promising to repeal the ban on assault-style weapons.
But the Governor said he would not compromise on his support for abortion rights, his opposition to assault-style weapons and any effort to raise property taxes.
For more than a year, Republican leaders in Congress have looked for the right moment to try to repeal the ban on assault-style weapons enacted in 1994.
The ban would apply to 19 specific assault-style weapons.
Following is the 216-to-214 roll-call by which the House voted today to ban 19 types of assault-style weapons.
The company has also come up with a single-shot rifle that is the law enforcement version of a military assault-style weapon.