By noon he'd talked to a third of them, found no one who interested him, other than Arnon, with his knives and assault conviction.
His assault conviction itself wasn't much-the result of a confrontation at a rally.
Carter is serving two years' probation for an assault conviction stemming from a 1994 hotel fight.
His second assault conviction would have cost him five years net.
He had assault convictions dating back to 1942.
Mr. Lopez, 27, was sentenced in 2003 to a 17 years on an assault conviction.
The problem was getting the assault conviction before the jury, since the average judge might mistakenly consider it irrelevant.
Chief Santiago spoke of the assault conviction at yesterday's news conference.
He was granted a suspended sentence for his first assault conviction six years ago.
He had been arrested six times and was awaiting a sentence for an assault conviction.