His assassination marked the definitive end of the Historic Compromise.
His assassination marks the point when the bubble burst and we finally realized there could never be a heaven on Earth.
The assassination marks the first 24-hour coverage of a major news event by the major networks.
They did not attack any others, but the assassinations marked the beginning of the Cherokee Civil War; it continued until after the American Civil War.
Gaitan's assassination marked the beginning of La Violencia, a Colombian civil war which lasted until the mid-fifties and killed an estimated 300,000 Colombians.
For some years Waifer strenuously carried on an unequal struggle with the Franks, but his assassination in 768 marked the demise of Aquitaine's national independence, although not its national identity.
The assassination in Dallas, moreover, marked the real arrival of television, history's mightiest conveyor of unforgettable images and moments.
The assassination in April 1984 of Rodrigo Lara Bonilla, a young Justice Minister who had crusaded against drugs, marked a turning point.
"The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin's anti-Semitic campaign."
The assassination of Jaffna Mayor Alfred Duraiyappah in 1975 marked a crisis point.