Massoud, Afghanistan's most important resistance leader, had been assassinated two days earlier on 9 September 2001 by al-Qaeda operatives posing as journalists.
Japan had earlier assassinated a Korean queen and, by military pressure in 1905, forced Korea to become a protectorate.
Flenser had been assassinated in the Republic six tendays earlier.
Massimo D'Antona, who advised the previous government on similar reforms, was assassinated three years earlier, apparently with the same gun.
"The report is that Lord Periandros was assassinated earlier today, Julien."
He was held in Egypt with Noaman in 1966 while their partner Al-Zubairi was assassinated earlier.
Lincoln had been assassinated eight months earlier.
He was named after the political activist Jacob Israël de Haan who had been assassinated four years earlier.
Stanfield paid tribute to Robert F. Kennedy, who had been assassinated only three days earlier.
John F. Kennedy had been assassinated a few months earlier and that had stunned the nation.