Hugo became a major influence on Gautier and is credited for giving him, an aspiring painter at the time, an appetite for literature.
One character, an aspiring painter who has a thing for sunflowers, explains why she likes them.
The film is about an aspiring painter named Dustin who meets a woman named Christiane.
As an aspiring painter, he worries that marrying a hairdresser means compromising his dreams.
The industry soon attracted the service of many aspiring painters who needed a source of revenue to support themselves.
Trudie is an aspiring painter stuck working as a restaurant waitress.
For an aspiring painter like me, Ringo made a great subject.
Mr. Paternot plays an aspiring painter who decorates doughnuts for a living but dreams of creating art.
As an aspiring painter, he had no advantages.
Danielle's best friend, an aspiring painter and inventor who admires da Vinci.