At the local scale it fosters community vision, aspirational goals and place-making, along with defining pathways to achieve these goals.
This position is in keeping with the Bush administration's promotion of long-term aspirational goals, rather than strict limits.
These talks are intended to set the aspirational goals for emissions curbs favored by the US; the absence of major emitters would make them largely pointless.
Berger goes on: "On many occasions we have said that we would hope to develop a strategic partnership, i.e., described it as an aspirational goal.
But the Plan won't have any effect on broadband competition and pricing for years, and it offers few aspirational goals in that direction.
But it also means that there are aspirational goals for "perfection" that define a high-quality legal services program.
We have found that many of our grantees work hard to attain those aspirational goals.
The political leaders agreed to an "aspirational goal" of a 25% reduction of energy intensity correlative with economic development.
Soft law is attractive because it often contains aspirational goals that aim for the best of possible scenarios.
Humour: Making a joke of one's procrastination, that the slapstick or slipshod quality of one's aspirational goal striving is funny.