An interesting problem with asphalt courts arises in very hot environments.
After the season, the stadium will be disassembled and carted it off, asphalt court, bleachers and all.
We had courts in the school, regular asphalt courts, and we drew the lines ourselves.
At their house they had two tennis courts, one asphalt court for use in the winter and one grass court for summer play.
Several young boys were playing basketball on the asphalt court.
Half-court tennis, floor hockey and baseball are played on a rubberized asphalt court.
He is standing on a Brooklyn park's asphalt court, known to him since he was 7.
On an asphalt court behind a store, teen-agers were facing off in capoeira, a kind of martial art almost balletic in its beauty.
It was originally called the Mount Tennis Club and included two asphalt courts.
It thudded loudly on the asphalt court.