Park uplands are gambel oak shrublands along with mixed conifer and aspen forests.
Also there are aspen forests, and sometimes birch woods.
Birch forest occupies 10% of the wooded area and aspen forest take up 2%.
Effects of recent burning on breeding bird community structure in aspen forests.
Lush, grassy meadowland flowed in green waves below them to lap on the shores of a light-green aspen forest far to the south.
We hike towards these proud peaks through dense aspen forests.
Some wildlife groups say that overgrazing by elk poses a threat to the range of other animals and has damaged the aspen forests.
As the highway heads east, it descends through thick aspen forests interspersed with ancient lava fields.
The result of the above factors is an extensive understory of vegetation in the aspen forest.
Hurtling through the aspen forest is an exhilarating ride.