Bert looked at Julia an asked worriedly, "And what's to be done about you.
Julia asked worriedly, thinking it might be a dust storm.
Joanna asked worriedly as they left the road and swung north along the edge of the marshes.
Giacomo asked worriedly, coming to stand beneath the vent.
She felt guilty about the middle-aged woman who just before takeoff asked worriedly if it was safe.
Maggie asked worriedly, remembering the scathing remarks of last night.
I don't know if you understand what I want to say," he asked worriedly.
Angelopoulos asked worriedly as he saw the smile turn devious.
The last he heard, Tycho was asking worriedly, "Where's the head?"
Strand asked worriedly, sensing vast new family complications looming before him.