In the area where the family became sick, the government asked volunteers to report anyone who fell ill with a cold or flu.
They asked male volunteers to sit in a laptop-using position for an hour with or without a working computer in their laps.
The drawback to his independence, however, is that he did not ask volunteers for any help in canvassing the streets.
The pageant officials had asked local volunteers to stand in for the contestants during rehearsals so we could practice with the computers.
They asked volunteers to rate their ability in the previous three months - without treatment - to have and maintain an erection adequate for intercourse.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, a brain-scanning technology, the researchers asked volunteers to lie down, telling them nothing about what would happen next.
But if you ask churchgoers and volunteers, Father Brice has a following all his own.
He asks white volunteers to come into the classroom to curse at the black students and hit them, to instill the required stoicism.
Then, asking volunteers to perform a hierarchy of these tasks, they imaged the brain to see which areas were active.
Lithuanian leaders asked volunteers to enlist in a "territorial defense system."