At night, the roads in the capital are often manned with impromptu checkpoints, at which police or other military members ask motorists and travelers for money.
As with many informally managed roadhouses, Hadukovich asked travelers to "make themselves at home and leave some money on the table" for what they used.
These uniformed individuals reportedly may ask travelers where they are traveling and then escort them to a separate area to inspect their bags for illegal drugs or money.
Hotels can cut costs by doing everything from installing energy-saving light bulbs to asking travelers to reuse their towels.
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right forum... but... I'd like to ask experienced travelers or those have gone through some hassle.
Since this last trip, I have been asking fellow travelers, basically, "Seen any good mirages lately?"
Some Questions to Ask Prospective travelers should ask these questions before buying a tour: How long has the operator been in business?
The common people had to ask travelers and merchants to deliver their packets.
"When the driver noticed a problem with the brakes, he asked travelers in the train to move toward the back," Mr. Rouvillois said.
When traveling alone and wanting to swim, I usually find the best solution is to ask fellow travelers on the beach if they don't mind looking after my bag.