As they sat down, he asked the musicians to play the couple's favorite song, "La Vie en Rose."
Sue Bernstein, a manager for entertainers, asked the musicians what they were feeling while playing along with an often loud and dissonant soundtrack.
"If you ever go into a strange town, go into a nightclub or hotel lounge and ask the musicians where to eat."
The board also asked the musicians to agree to reopen negotiations on a three-year contract scheduled to run until Aug. 31, 1990.
She proceeded to the ballroom and asked the musicians to stop playing for a moment.
Upon asking the musicians where they got the rhythm, one replied "This rhythm is to us, what the blues is to you."
You ask the musicians if this restaurant is one of their favorite dives.
A short while later, Daddy asked the musicians to stop playing for a few moments, and he took center stage to announce the unveiling of my portrait.
From there, he asked the musicians to "learn" the songs while they were being recorded.
We asked the musicians to renegotiate, but they weren't interested in that.