Arvaneus asked tauntingly.
Upon the news of the hijacking, the National Review's Andrew McCarthy tauntingly asked "what our new commander-in-chief proposes to do about it."
Helva asked tauntingly as he stepped forward to grab one of the women.
As we were leaving, already feeling conspicuous with our heavy, bleeding take-home bag, one waiter looked at it and asked tauntingly if we had come "to eat or to shop."
Beltaire asked tauntingly.
Later, Kelolo confessed that he should have kept silent, but he could not, and asked tauntingly, "What directions do you think Malama gave me when she whispered on her deathbed?"
Karin asked tauntingly.
When an old guard Ba'athist tauntingly asked Aflaq "how big a role his party still played in government", Aflaq replied "About one-thousandth of one percent".
For years, the Republican National Committee has proudly posted the size of its average donation and tauntingly asked the Democrats to release theirs.
Leonce wants to commit suicide, but is stopped by Valerio, who tauntingly asks him to stop the "lieutenant romantics", and turns the tragedy of death into a farce.