Ewen asked soberly, "What are we going to do, Doctor?
All of a sudden she stopped and asked soberly "If Phebe goes to school who will do her work?
After all," he asked soberly, watching Thorn continue along the Promenade, "isn't that what friends are for?
Taft asked soberly, following his commander's gaze.
Jim asked soberly, remembering Spocks 0.36 of a vessel.
Orlando asked soberly, "So is this history, or prediction?"
This over, he asked soberly, "But now what was the idea about the nameplates?"
He was silent for several seconds, then asked soberly: "Was it tough growing up in Oakland?"
But her uncle held her long enough to ask quite soberly, though his eyes laughed: "Shall I tell him that??
The merchant asked soberly, "Who else?"