Some bars and restaurants made a point of asking patrons to do their smoking outdoors.
Bar owners and managers must ask patrons who smoke to stop, but are not required to throw them out if they refuse.
The library asked patrons to make a donation of $5 or more and protest the budget cuts by contacting the city representatives.
So far, airlines regulate their use, and an increasing number of restaurants are asking patrons to shut off the phones.
The invited participation, beginning with a printed form that asked patrons, "Are you now, or have you ever been?"
The models, known as Jagerettes, were sent across the nation to bars, where they would ask patrons to sample the drink.
When a waiter asked patrons to shout happy birthday to a newly 33-year-old woman, the restaurant nearly shook.
They are asking patrons to order water instead of alcohol at the bar to protest the policy of not paying bands.
Whether the burger costs $7 or $62, servers do not ask patrons how they would like it cooked.
But some theaters are already testing a no-cellphones policy, asking patrons to check their phones at the theater door.