Smith asked offhandedly, His attention fixed on a pile of papers on a small table in front of him.
And to a new friend who left hours before Holm shut down for the night, she offhandedly asked, "Would you come to my funeral?"
One of the fishermen asks offhandedly to another, "Wonder if it works?"
I asked offhandedly, pulling up a chair.
Clint Alvarez asked the question offhandedly.
Johnson, after feeling pain and no improvement in what he felt was merely a badly bruised right wrist, offhandedly asked the club's doctor for an X-ray yesterday morning.
Freddy asked offhandedly, though his eyes had returned to the lovely blonde girl "Since it is not raining.
Freddy asked offhandedly, though his eyes had returned to the lovely blonde girl.
David asks offhandedly, "What kind of people can eat an entire meal together and not talk?"
Queynt asked offhandedly, seeming to pay attention only to the spitted chime birds he had been offered.