Gov. George Pataki asked legislators to make budget reform a priority yesterday.
Governor Miller asked legislators in an emotional plea for support during his opening address to the Legislature this month.
They have asked legislators to vote against NHB11, and encouraged other citizens to oppose the passage of the bill as well.
Feeling that the resolution was inadequate, President Washington asked legislators to pass a comprehensive law which would govern the new facility.
Ask legislators of either party, journalists who have covered him for many years, or other old Washington hands.
The governor has asked legislators to provide money to help local governments pay for the election.
The governor asked legislators today to switch to the annual cycle that most other states use.
Ask most legislators what the most pressing issue of the session is, and they say: ending it.
They recently asked legislators to fax them pledges of support to fight the governor's budget cuts.
Mr. Greene said he would ask legislators this term to double the program's size and its $700,000 budget for fiscal 1996.