Haplo asked gruffly, with a kind of grudging concern.
A guard stepped out of a gate and asked gruffly: "Are these really the last of the traitors?"
At the academy, an officer had trouble reading the future admiral's name on his uniform and asked gruffly, "What's your name?
The old man did not smile as he knelt to feel Jim's feet inside the boots and to gruffly ask if they pinched.
Eric asked gruffly, embarrassed she had witnessed a moment of weakness.
Sturm asked gruffly as Caramon returned to the group.
Oliver asked gruffly: It was a minute before she refocused on him.
Glaring at the ladies of the pie room, he asked gruffly, "Ever been hit with a stick?"
I gruffly asked, blundering about with one arm extended to feel my way.
Riker asked gruffly, calling the Q's attention to the prone figure upon the floor.