You coyly ask permission to voice the heresy that formalism is overrated, as if we are writing in 1970 and you have something brave to say.
Mask asked coyly "Just don't tell the rest of the Circle they've been hoodwinked."
And the Duchess asked coyly: "We defended the honor of the place, didn't we?"
When Trump acknowledged that he usually listens to his advisors, Erin coyly asked "Do you have to?"
Jack spots a young girl named Becky walking alone in a dark alley, he follows beside her, asking coyly for her services and constantly being rejected.
As she pretends to fall in love with him, she coyly asks "Is either of your two houses nearby?"
She coyly asks him what he would do if, hypothetically, she were to sneak out on a lark.
Eugenia Astiazarain, 80, coyly asked if she could take some condoms home with her.
The EU is now coyly asking if these could possibly be carried out.
When she coyly asks him if he wants a "date," he uses his coupons to take her to Red Lobster.