"He's asking architects to take a risk and forget about immediate profits."
In a letter dated April 1926, they asked several architects in Germany and Austria to join.
The young cardinal accepted the idea, asked several architects to draw plans, among which Carlo Maderno.
Some well-to-do clients are asking architects to incorporate such a space, also called a media room, into home designs.
Fuller, who would routinely ask architects, What does your building weigh?
At the same time European companies began asking contemporary architects to create new designs.
Silverstein asked various architects to build skyscrapers on the site, none of whom, at least so far, have produced anything close to their best work.
But Mr. Silverstein went further, asking other architects about their interest in designing the remaining commercial buildings.
Ask architects why they design household products and they will tell you about the delights of instant gratification.
Instead Sukarno, who had previously studied architecture, asked architects to refine sketches made by himself.