He said that more co-op boards should ask applicants directly if they are getting a negative pledge loan.
And in any case, admissions officers are not likely to ask applicants whether they plan to become stay-at-home moms.
The ad asked applicants to present their pictures, résumés, and proportions.
He said a better approach would be to ask applicants whether they had used any drugs in the last five years.
Airlines are required only to ask applicants for a 10-year employment history, and to verify the most recent five years.
The measure also makes it illegal to ask applicants about disabilities or to dismiss students because of disability.
Following are a few questions experts recommend asking applicants: * What might you have my children do on a rainy day?
When employing new staff, employers ask applicants whether they will become or plan to become parents.
My question is this: In the negotiations, what are we asking applicants to do about the common foreign and security policy?
One day Olof puts out an ad for a woman in a local newspaper, asking applicants to include a photograph.