"Sir," she whispered, a single tear sliding down her ashen cheek.
Those terrible dead eyes seemed to burst with an inner fire, her breast began to rise and fall and color returned to her ashen cheeks.
Blood drained from his face, leaving only the reflected color of the summer fire washing over ashen cheeks.
The blonde hair was plastered over her ashen cheeks, the incongruously dark eyelashes closed.
Her eyes were round and unblinking; tears built up at the corners, rolled down ashen cheeks.
Two marks of red, like thumb-imprints, appeared at the center of each ashen cheek.
Face grim, he studied her ashen cheeks.
Slowly the glazed look left Sara's eyes, and color returned to 1,r her ashen cheeks.
Her eyes wandered, seeing things he couldn't; tears poured down her ashen cheeks.
Jathelle was rallying, a bit of color coming back to her ashen cheeks.