His face shining with the ascetic look of one who suffered for his duty, Basrakan retraced his steps.
The driver's face, faintly visible in the glow of instruments, and now and then sharply illuminated by passing headlights, had a somewhat haggard and ascetic look.
The first thing that struck her was the heat, followed by the stark, ascetic look of the unadorned hallways and rugless, tiled floors.
Habundia is a grain goddess and tolerates no meat, and a true devotee of Hecate should have a wan ascetic look about him.
His preaching, aided by his ascetic looks and simple attire, helped doom the new sects.
Her son William inherited her heavy Germanic looks, rather than "the finely etched ascetic looks which his father had shared with William III".
Both were tall, lean men in early middle age, with an ascetic look about them.
No doubt storehouses of wealth changed hands, the ascetic look being more costly than mere gingerbread.
Volkert van der Graaf, 32, is a slender, blond-haired Dutchman whose pictures reveal nothing special except perhaps a taut, ascetic look.
Throughout much of the campaign, Louis St Laurent, the only prime minister since Macdonald to be in office after his seventy-fifth birthday, wore an ascetic look of disengaged wisdom.