Last year's asbestos crisis drew widespread attention to the appalling physical condition of the schools.
The asbestos crisis may fit into other agendas as well.
After weeks of contending with the asbestos crisis, about 90 to 95 percent of the schools managed to function.
But whatever consequences the asbestos crisis has for the school system, it has exposed the appalling physical condition of city schools.
There was one violent incident, but school officials said it bore no relation to the asbestos crisis.
Indeed, their senior year began and ended two weeks late because of an asbestos crisis last fall.
"We are not prepared to compromise this important day of mourning for the city's incompetence in the asbestos crisis," he said.
Communications problems have been central to the asbestos crisis.
Even before the asbestos crisis, she wondered: Could she beg a friend to take them swimming?
There are many possible models for the direction the asbestos crisis might take; among them are those of grapes and chromium.