He retired in 1980, a year after a successful push for the construction of a 900-seat fine arts auditorium at the high school.
Located in the original 1920s oil field, the project included a 2,000 seat arena/gymnasium, 450-seat fine arts auditorium and seven classroom zones on a site totaling 62 acres.
Hall's classic performing arts auditorium, the home of the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra from September 1972 to April 1973, still serves as a site for community events and performances.
The concept for a performing arts auditorium developed as early as 1959.
The Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre is a major performing arts auditorium in Orlando, Florida and seats 2,518.
The building will include a new fine arts auditorium for university and community use, and is part of Liberty University's campus transformation initiative.
Fourteen new classrooms, a fine arts auditorium, and a cafeteria were added to the existing high school.
In addition to much bigger classrooms, the new school houses a gynmasium with 3 basketball courts and seating for 1,200 fans and a new fine arts auditorium.
The previous gym was transformed into a performing arts auditorium.
It had been hoped years earlier to build a fine arts auditorium when the old Lee gym stage was removed, but that dream never materialized.