Critics claim that Jones's potpourri is more commercially than artistically successful.
This is held by many to be his most original and artistically successful composition.
Even though artistically successful Schleef was put under more and more political pressure.
He belongs to a well-known and artistically successful family.
But some of Mr. Kelly's most popular and artistically successful films were yet to come.
Artistically successful simplicity is seldom born of simple causes, however.
It was also in 1941 that he took his first artistically successful environmental portraits.
He strove to find a new way of creating an American opera that would be both commercially and artistically successful.
The $1.2 million production, which had its premiere in 1996, was artistically successful and toured extensively throughout the United States.
The latter, which was finished in 1891, is often called the first artistically successful modern skyscraper.