And once again, while the sheer magnitude of the tragedy resists artistic transformation, it provides the artwork with what might be called reflected credibility.
The LCL campaigned heavily on Hall, while Dunstan promised sweeping social reform, artistic transformation and more community services.
It can bring about an artistic transformation, which is what happened in two cases of painters who suffered mild strokes.
The Asuka period is known for its significant artistic, social, and political transformations, which had their origins in the late Kofun period.
His paintings provided fine detail that were invisible to the naked eye, and gave "depth and intensity of vision that only artistic transformation can achieve."
While classical in subject, Laocoön reflects the political, religious, and artistic transformations of post-Renaissance society.
Above all, it is to fail to distinguish between the "ideological source of content" and the "artistic transformation of content".
The mystery of Brian Wilson is the mystery of artistic transformation.
"It is us, in the medium of artistic transformation."
His artistic transformation of the stairs, using tiles and porcelain donated by friends and supporters, took twenty years to complete.