Having started life as an artistic prodigy, Oppenheim seems to have lived it out as an eternal apprentice.
At Bunce Court, he was already seen as an artistic prodigy, and where his work already showed an expressionism style.
Now that same artistic prodigy looked to be caught in throes of some sort of epileptic fit.
At the time of the series, he is an adviser to the art club as well as an art teacher in training but he used to be an artistic prodigy when he was in high school.
Jeremy Thatcher - an underappreciated artistic prodigy who hatches and develops a telepathic connection with his pet dragon.
But by then, Schjerfbeck, an artistic prodigy, was already attending art school, her tuition waived.
While Mr. Basquiat outwardly enjoyed the life of an artistic and social prodigy, he was viewed by many friends, art dealers and critics as ill-starred.
As is often told in stories about professional artists, Aniko was an artistic prodigy even in his early childhood.
Here Gladwell talks about how artistic prodigies differ from late bloomers and the kinds of support over decades that some artists need to realize their gifts.
He was an artistic prodigy and displayed his very detailed drawings at art shows.